This page will focus on Testing information specific to Central Ontario Region.

2024 Branch Spring Testing Dates/Needs

Examiners A/B Testing C/D Testing
B/B2 Fact Sheet Junior Examiners
Test Arrangements
Day of the Test

Testing manuals and Educational Study Guides, etc. are now available to all active
members, Horsemasters and Associate members for download when you login to your
membership portal.

(For additional information see the CPC Achievement Standards and the COR Education pages)


Fees (updated 2022)

The following Examiners fees presume 4 candidates or less:

D, D1, D2 level tests $75
C, C1 level tests $100
C2 level tests $100
B level tests $150
B2 level tests $150
A level tests $200
Travel subsidyLead Examiner $0.40 / km (return trip)Additional $25

Tests at C level and C1 level use a panel of two examiners, the senior examiner at the level or above, the second examiner may be one level below the level being tested.

Refreshments, lunch and snacks shall be provided by the host club as required.

Candidate fees 2022:

C2 regional test $100 (plus $25 no show fee)
B test $125 (plus $25 no show fee)
B2 test $150 (plus $25 no show fee)
HA/RA test $200 ($100 no show fee)

Examiner’s List

Contact for a copy of the current Examiners List (or to submit corrections).

For DCs/ADCs, the list is available in the COR Private Area.

Examiner’s Clinics are held annually for anyone wishing to be examiners (C level Pony Club and 16 years of age minimum, or adults active in the horse industry).


A/B Testing

B/B2 Fact Sheet — for candidates

  1. All B/B2 candidates MUST have a copy of the current A/B Testing Procedures Manual and the B/B2 Study Guide, available on the CPC Testing Page. The manual contains the reading lists, test guidelines, flat ride, and other requirements for the test. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the test requirements. The study guide is an excellent source of recommended reading and questions outlining the material which will be tested.
  2. Application form: Applications for testing need to be filled out carefully.The application deadline for spring testing is March 15, for summer testing April 15, and for fall testing June 30. There are several signatures and forms required so start early. Send completed form to the Regional Test Chair.
  3. Written Tests: The written test will be sent to the candidate’s branch DC. Once written, the test must be returned immediately to the Regional Test Chair for marking. If the DC is the parent of the candidate, the Branch Test Rep will be asked to supervise the test.
  4. Screening: Mandatory screening is designed to help prepare the candidate for the actual test. The screener will pretest the candidate and advise the candidate of weak areas, however, completing the screening does not guarantee a passed B/B2 test. Candidates should come to the screening prepared to complete all the requirements of their test.
  5. Test: The actual test will be a one or two-day test, depending on the number of candidates. Although every attempt is made to make the test environment comfortable for all, the test materials are extensive so be prepared for a long day. If a two-day format is necessary, doing the stable management portion the first day (without candidates horses) and the riding the second day may be possible.
  6. Proposed timing: While every attempt will be made to avoid conflict with other Pony Club activities, scheduling of the test will not be adjusted for other competitions, i.e. CADORA dressage, Trillium shows, Horse Trials or others.
 Spring (tentative) Summer Fall
Application March 15th April 15th June 30th
Written test week of April 15th week of June 1st last week of July
Screening 1st weekend in May week of July 4th last week of August
B/B2 Test 1st weekend in June mid-week August 15th-30th September – October weekend

If there are sufficient candidates (minimum 2) in the northern part of the region, we will attempt to arrange a screening and a testing in that area during July and August. This testing may not coincide with the dates proposed above.

If there are any additional questions,
please contact the Regional Test Chair.


C/D Testing — for examiners

Junior Examiners

  • All persons who are interested in testing and who are qualified to test must first attend a clinic.  If you are interested in testing but you are not a Pony Club member, you must submit a resume of your experience in the horse industry.  Those attending the clinic will then be put on a Junior Examiners List.
  • From this point, a Junior Examiner is required to obtain two assists before moving onto the D Examiners List.  An assist is when a new examiner accompanies an experienced examiner through a test, completing the same test forms as the experienced examiner and helping with the facility preparation and perhaps with the questioning.  Then, results are compared and discussed after the test is completed.
  • As a Junior Examiner, you should try to get your assists at the D or D1 Level
  • Contact your Branch Test Rep and neighbouring clubs and ask to be included in any D tests to help earn your assists.  The region encourages experienced examiners to try to include junior examiners in their testings whenever possible.
  • Make sure your assist gets recorded on the Test Result Report Sheet so you will get credit for the assist.  Keep track of your assists and testings as a backup.
  • As a Junior Examiner you cannot test alone.  When the Regional Test Chair receives notification of your two assists, you will be upgraded to a D Level Examiner.  Other clubs will be notified at the next publication of the C/D Examiners List (usually at the beginning of the year).
  • If you are a C2 level Pony Club member, you must complete two assists as a Junior Examiner but, providing at least one of your assists is at the D1 level, you will be put onto the Examiners List at the D1 level (that is, qualified to test D and D1 levels).  To advance further, the existing upgrading policy is in effect.
  • If you are a B level Pony Club member, you must complete two assists as a Junior Examiner but, providing at least one of your assists is at the D2 level, you will be put onto the Examiners List at the D2 level (that is, qualified to test D2 level and below).  To advance further, the existing upgrading policy is in effect.


  • Before upgrading a level, an examiner must test at least twice at the level they are currently at.  They must then obtain a letter of recommendation from another examiner who is currently at or above the desired level of testing.  This letter must confirm that the candidate has a competent knowledge of the testing materials at the desired level as well as the maturity and social skills necessary to handle the desired level of testing.  The Regional Testing Committee will regularly review upgrade requests and letters of recommendation, and notify examiners of their promotion to the next level.
  • You do not require assists at each level when you are upgrading within the D stages.
  • Before moving up from the D2 stage to the C stage, you will be required to attend an Examiners Clinic, obtain two assists with an experienced C level examiner, and submit a letter of recommendation.  It is felt by the testing committee that the jump from the D2 level to C level is significant and to properly prepare our examiners for this level, assists will help introduce you to the requirements of this level.  Once you have become a C examiner, you will be required to test twice at that stage, then attend an examiners clinic, and submit the letter of recommendation before upgrading to the next stage (avoiding the need for assists).
  • If you are a C level Pony Club member and at least 16 years of age, you will start at the Junior Examiner level and you may upgrade, provided you have met the requirements for upgrading, to test up to two levels below your achieved level; i.e. if you are a C1 level Pony Club member, you may upgrade through the process to test at the D2 stage.
  • If you are already on the Examiners List and have obtained your two assists, then you pass your C2 (B) level exam, you will automatically be moved to the D1 (D2) examiner level.
  • If you are not a Pony Club member you may also upgrade, however, the level that you are eligible to test at will be at the discretion of the Regional Testing Committee based on your horsemanship knowledge and experience and your familiarity with the Pony Club system.

Test Arrangements

    • Before you agree to test, make sure you are qualified to test at that level and make sure you are familiar with the requirements of that level.  All examiners must have a copy of the current C/D Testing Procedures. It is available on the CPC Testing Page. Take it to all testings. You should have, or have access to, all books on the required Reading List in the C/D Testing Procedures.
    • When you are called for a testing, there are a number of questions that you should ask:
    • 1.  Number of candidates – you should only test up to four candidates at one time.  You may agree to test possibly five candidates, but then you are entitled to two test fees.  Be firm on the maximum of 4 candidates – you and the candidates will have a better test.
    • 2.  facilities:
    •   a) be familiar with what is required at each level and ask the Branch hiring you what facilities are available.  If you determine the facilities are inadequate for the level, make suggestions so that you can adequately test the candidates’ ability.
    •    b) at the D2 level and all C level tests, a cross country element is required.  Make sure the branch is aware of this requirement and that facilities to test a cross country phase are available.
    • 3.  ask about a jump crew for the test day.  A lot of the examiner’s time and energy can be wasted setting up a stadium jumping course especially at the higher levels.
  • If, for some very important reason, you as an Examiner cannot attend a testing, it is your responsibility to notify the club and find a qualified replacement.  It is not the branch’s responsibility.
  • You may test within your own club at the D and D1 stage.  Outside examiners must be used from the D2 level and above.

Day of the Test

    • At all times, the test should be a teaching situation.  You should never be derogatory or insulting to pony clubbers.  Do not attempt to test at a level unless your knowledge of that level is excellent.
    • A branch representative, either the Branch Test Chair or D.C., should be at the test site for the entire testing period.  The Branch Test Chair/D.C. is your contact person for questions concerning candidates, facilities, paperwork, etc.
    • For each candidate, a worksheet should be filled out during the test.  You may choose to use a master sheet for the candidates and then copy your comments and marks onto the individual sheets at the end of the test. The branch should supply all paperwork for the test. Worksheets, for your reference, are found in the C/D Testing Procedures.
    • You must also fill out an Individual Record Sheet for each candidate.
    • With a successful testing, your signature is required on the candidate’s yellow or green card.
    • Your name will be recorded on the Central Ontario Region – C and D Testing Result Sheet. The branch will send in this form to the Region and you will be given credit for your testing.
    • You will also be given an evaluation form at each testing.  You are asked to take the form home with you, fill it out and mail it directly to the Regional Testing Rep.  The feedback from the evaluation forms can only help to improve the testing process within our Region.
    • Keep track of your test dates (and levels you tested as well) for a backup in case the branches don’t get their results in to the Region promptly.
    • At the end of a testing, you (accompanied by the Branch Test Rep) will be required to give an interview with each candidate individually. This is a good opportunity to point out to the Branch Test Rep any areas of weakness you have noted with their club. It will help the clubs in setting up their education programs.
    • Examiners are not required to and should not give interviews to parents, candidate’s instructors, etc. If the parents have concerns they should relay their concerns to their Branch executive.
    • During the test, there should be no parental (or other) interference.  If there is, inform the Branch Test Rep/D.C. and let them deal with the parents.  Parental interference is a distraction to you as an examiner and to the candidates.
    • Be sure to take a clipboard and pens/pencils to your testing.
    • Some things that you as an examiner should expect at a testing:
    • 1. If the testing goes over the lunch/dinner period, you should be provided with a lunch
    • 2. You should receive payment for a testing the day of the test.  Make sure you give the Branch Test Rep/D.C. your return kilometrage to the test site.