2020 Central Ontario Region PPG Information

(For National information see the General CPC PPG Page and for COR Rules check out the COR Downloads Page)

For meet dates check the COR Schedule.

Note: The following rules are in affect for the 2021 season:
1) The ground jury will be continued at the PPG meets.
2) Both the slow twisted snaffle and broken kimberwick bits will be allowed at Regional Meets ONLY, fitted according to 2011 rules.

Downloads of interest:

  • PPG – A Family Affair provides worthwhile information about volunteer requirements at the meets.
  • PPG Family Quiz provides a set of questions to test your PPG expertise…give them a try with your riders and volunteers.
  • Know what officials are looking for Tack Check List

Archived Results
2016 COR PPG2015 COR PPG | 2015 Zone | 2015 National Masters
2009 Zone| 2009 Finals |
2008 Zone| 2008 Finals| 2007 Zone| 2007 Finals |
2006 Finals | 2006 Zone | 2006 Nat Masters | 2006 Nat A’s
2005 Finals | 2004 Finals | 2003 Finals

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